The exact reasons for and date

The exact reasons for and date of the establishment of a separate Jewish quarter in Fez are not firmly agreed upon by all scholars. Historical accounts confirm that in the mid-XIVth century the Jews of Fez were still living in Fez al-Bali but that by the end of the XVIth century they were well established in the Mellah of Fez aj-Jdid. (23) Some authors argue that the transfer probably occurred in stages throughout the Marinid period (late XIIIth to XVth centuries), particularly after episodes of violence or repression against Jews in the old city. (24) The urban fabric of the Mellah seems to have developed gradually, and it is possible that a small Jewish population settled there just after the founding of Fez aj-Jdid and that other Jews fleeing the old city joined them later. สล็อต

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